
Thursday 17 October 2013


So my Women and Media seminar paper is are supernatural women feminist or post feminist? My focus on this is on tv shows. This means I will spend the next couple of weeks watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Charmed, and the other show I haven't decided on yet (suggestions are welcome!). I'm leaning towards The Vampire Diaries at the moment, or True Blood, but I don't really know.

So Buffy is actually amazing. I never watched it when it was on TV and now I wonder why, aside from I was only 6 when it came out.

But yay, uni work that means I get to watch TV.

And buy text books about Buffy and Charmed. That actually exists! Amazing

Aberdeen's Gone Wild

Craig and Edwin dragged me out after work. Really. I went to meet them for one drink, just one! And just cause they wouldn't stop harassing me and phoning me until I agreed to that. But no, they kept buying me more drinks, and shots. But not drunk so YAY! And I only spent £5.

But seriously, THE FUCK has been going on in Aberdeen?! Last night there was so many groups of people dressed up in weird costumes. Really, there was a group of jelly fish! Jelly fish! Who the hell dresses up as a fucking jelly fish! And there were cowboys and indians, which is normal, and there was the playboy bunnies, still normal, with a guy in a dressing gown, trying to be Huge Hefner I think?

Then tonight there was like an army of people in AC/DC style tshirts but it was AB/DN. No idea what that was all about but by the time Underground closed most of them didn't have much of the tshirt left. I've never seen so many topless guys or girls in bras in a club in life.

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Life Eh?

Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to have a normal life. One where there was no drama, or at least a day without any drama.

So last night Jade put a spike through her hand at work. Yeah that really happened. You know like in resturant's there's a spike that the checks go on when the food is served? Well Jade somehow (and I'm not quite sure how) managed to put that about half a cm into her hand. It wasn't fun, and I'd imagine quite painful. Queue my very bad attempts at first aid (what do you do when it's the first aider that needs the first aid?!) and some convincing that she should go to ARI. Fun times. 

So instead of the uni work I had planned for tonight, I ended up working. And it was busy. But it's all money at the end of the day, and I suppose the more of it I make now the better it is for me when I have too much course work to do and can't work much. Fun times.

Also, work made me miss Hollyoaks :( unimpressed with everyone going on about how good/sad/shocking etc it was on Facebook. Fuck off!

Monday 14 October 2013


So continuing on from last week and my Disney princess' are shit rant from last week, today Twlight get the piss taken out of it. Let's go.

Bella really needs to grow a pair of balls! Could she be any more pathetic? Saying that, she's bad enough in the film, in the book she is even worse. She sees the guy and instantly falls in love, pines after some guy that hasn't even spoke to her, acts a bit pathetic, finally gets with him when he saves her from some other guys she can't fight off then ditches all her friends to worship the ground he walks on.  All the while trying to avoid being eaten by him or his family. She then nearly dies because of him but has a mental break down when he mentions leaving her. All in the one film. Yes Robert Pattinson is hot as, but really get over it! (And he's not even that hot in Twilight. Now R-Patz in Remember Me, hell yes.)

So take the next film, New Moon, oh no he leaves her. Queue a montage of her sitting for months upon months staring out a window looking depressed. You're 18, move on. Suddenly, shiny new hot Jacob appears and Edward is out of the window, until she almost kills her self and has delusions of him appearing. He's not real you are clearly just way too obsessed! A lot of stupid behavior later and she saves him from killing himself because life just can't go on if their not together.

Third film, Eclipse, the scary vampire from the first one is coming after her, oh no. So get an entire vampire family and wolf pack to look after you and fight for you. Why protect yourself? I can't even remember what's pathetic about her in the last film. Or rather two films since they split it in two. 

Bella, man up. Never really noticed before how annoying she is with it all. Think about it, with True Blood Sookie fights just as much as the supernatural people do, she doesn't hide behind the guys to protect her. And Vampire Diaries, Elena tries to fight, and helps come up with the plans, but Bella just pathetically whimpers in the background, trying to convince Edward nothing can go wrong in their strange relationship. In Spiderman, Mary Jane gets kidnapped, but through no doing of her own, she still tries to fight out of it. In all the horror films out there the damsel in distress still at least try to survive and get out. Bella needs to go MAN THE FUCK UP. And teenage girls look up to this love sick idiot.

Sunday 13 October 2013

Sick Again

So once again I missed a post last night, but I was sent home from work early sick. I had mental bad cramps and ended up being physically sick so I got put home from work, lasted about 5 minutes in my living before the smell of food made me throw up again and then just came to my bed, where I want between sleeping and running to the bathroom. I hate being a girl. 

I've spent the whole day in bed feeling shit again today. And sleeping. Really I should be doing uni work but that can wait. 

Friday 11 October 2013

Student. Child or Adult?

So being a student is like being a kid again. Seriously, nap time, Disney, any excuse to stay in bed all day and watch tv, a love of onsies. The list is endless. But while we want to regress to a child like manner, unfortunatly we're forced to grow up at the same time, moving out, being responsible, jobs, housework, cooking, cleaning, food shopping (which is really hard not to just buy crisps and cookies!) all while juggling the uni course work needed to pass. Yay. And people say students have it easy.

Like today I've been to uni, the library, Asda (and managed to actaully buy some real food and not just crap for a change), cooked my supper (which was really just one of Asda's ready meal curry and rice but still!) had a nap (cause it's been a long day) and looked up journals and read half a text book. And now it's time to chill out and watch mindless TV, before a weekend full of work. Can't wait! 

It really is time to start doing some non uni related things, that's not just going to work. Time to get a life! Or at least try!

Thursday 10 October 2013

Disney Part 2

So continuing on from yesterday's rant of how shit Disney Princess's are...

1. So on to Belle. She does appear to be smarter than the others, she actually reads books. Wow. She does something other than housework or singing and making friends with animals. Evidently none of the Princesses have the best people skills. And she does reject Gaston, who is (apparently) handsom and rich and all that, but a total dick. So yay her, he just wants someone to be a mother/housewife. So we're back to that again. But at least Belle had the balls to tell him where to go, since none of the other Princesses bothered they just went along with the shit dealt to them. She also had the balls to go save her dad and live with "the beast" who is really just a prince with a curse on him. Of course it would never be that simple, she tries to run away but gets attacked by wolves and can't save herself. Lucky for her the beast has a heart after all and swoops in to save the day. She nurses him to health, the fall in love, defeat Gaston and life happy ever after. Again.

2. And on to Jasmine. She starts out by running off to live as a commoner and meets Aladdin, a street rat. Turns out her dad is trying to force a marriage on her. So in swoops Aladdin. He pretends to be a prince and lies the entire relationships but it's fine, since he eventually saves her from Jafar and confesses. So as long as the guy eventually tells the truth and saves you from evil then it's fine he can be a lying scumbag. *I love Aladdin but it is pretty shit on Jasmine.* Moral of the story, fall for the guy fed you bullshit. 

3. There is Pocahontas and Mulan who are not quite as bad as the rest but are still shit. And then Merida, who is kick ass and takes no shit! But I can't be arsed getting into that right now. 

So Disney has great role modes. And magic false expectations. Maybe one day the guy who always lies to you will become your prince. Or running away and loosing a show will help you get a guy. Or just be an amazing housewife. No thanks. Real life is so much more interesting. 

*Be right back away to find a fictional prince.

Disney Princess or Pathetic?

I finally manages to force myself to read the whole of the Mills and Boon book for my lecture. What. A. Pile. Of. Shit! So after going to a party at her ex's dad's house the rich guy saves her from, well from nothing really. And then they go back to he is place and spent the next day in bed together, fall out, work together a couple weeks, then realise they're madly in love with each other... Good job too cause that one day they slept together got her knocked up.

I better not describe it like that in my tutorial tomorrow!

But Mills and Boon aren't the only franchise that like to create pathetic women. To be honest most films, books and tv shows have shit female leads. But Disney is really bad for that. Like really really bad. The Princesses are just shit! Like grow a pair eh?!

1. So we had a conversation a while back about Snow White, pretty much just that she's a hussy. And I totally agree. She's all innocent and fourteen. And her stepmother thinks she's a threat? She's fucking fourteen! Really? She's still a kid! Then that woodsman guy lets her off because shes beautiful, she moves in with seven men (the Seven Dwarfs) and proceeds to cook and clean for them, like a good little housewife. The she go saved by true loves kiss bullshit. But the prince only fell in love with her cause she was beautiful. Some fairy tale. Can't wait for that to happen.

2. Next we have Cinderella. The poor girl gets abused by her stepmother and sisters after losing both her parents. Her life pretty much sucks. But her friends (the animals of the estate...) make her a pretty dress to wear to the ball so she can make the prince fall in love with/rescue her. Evil step-family wreck her dress :(. Buuut the Fairy Godmother swoops in and makes her a new one yay! So she goes to the ball, and love at first sight, until she has to run off at midnight, back to her pathetic life of cooking and cleaning. He stalks her with her shoe (how is stalking romantic?) and happy ever after. Right.

3. Aurora. *Why do they all have weird names? Whats wrong with normal names? Anyway she's so important the whole kingdom get's a holiday when she's born (on another note, why was there a bank holiday for the royal wedding but not one for the future King being born?!) but really it was just an excuse to betroth her to Prince Phillip so there kingdoms wold be besties. Nice birthday present. Just what I always wish I'd got right! Cue an evil fairy curse (death/enchanted sleep. She was pretty pissed off about not being invited, remind me to always invite everyone I've ever met to things!) and good fairy gifts (beauty, being able to sing and not actually death just the enchanted sleep). After years of being lied to Aurora meets a random guy in the forest, with some more love at first sight. Yeah aha. Next she finds out she's been lied to, and that she has to marry some prince not the guy she loves. Enchanted sleep, loves first kiss blah blah blah. Oh, oh wait random is the prince so yay he saves the day and there's no heartbreak. At least not in the Disney version, I don't think it would have been as popular with the whole rape and childbirth thing.

I do have more but it's getting late again, and I have a lot to do again. But the rest of this will be up soon, I promise. Cause slagging off Disney is just too much fun! *I fucking love Disney btw!

Tuesday 8 October 2013


I know I keep on moaning about life just now and here I go again. What a long day! Left for uni at like 8 this morning and got home at like half 8...at night. 

Not only was the day long it was exhausting. I'm not going to lie here, I have no idea what was going on in some of my lectures. Oops. It started out fine, the first research methods lecture got me terrified about dissertation, again. The second one not only made sense of the lecture last week (Yay I now know not only what the types of research are, but what type I need to do :) ) it also showed amusing youtube clips.

Yeah that really happened.  And yes, it really was used in a lecture.

It all went down hill from there. Post Modern Culture is confusing, and all we had was two theorists to learn about. I understood like nothing about the first one and maybe half of the second one. Or at least I think I did. Like postmodernism culture is a reflection of how shallow society had got? Or something like that maybe. I don't know!

Journalism was just as confusing, although to be honest I stopped paying attention. I was too lost to figure out what was going on. Oops.

Fun times though, I went to a RAG meeting and I'm pretty excited (although was too tired to show much enthusiasm at the time) to get involved. 

I promise that between the uni work tomorrow I will find the time to actually write an interesting post for a change though. Like something with depth and meaning...or not!

Over And Over

This whole writing a blog everyday thing is harder than I though it would be. Having the time to write a post every day is hard, with everything I have to do, and finding something to write about. Although to be fair most of these posts have just been full of shit, or me moaning and ranting. 

I'm too tired to try and write something interesting tonight, and it's late and I have uni in the morning again. Yay. It's only been a week and I'm so tired, and have so much work to do. I pretty much have no life anymore. 

Sleep time.

Sunday 6 October 2013

Game Over

So I never posted anything yesterday, so I've already lost the bet. But after a long hard day at work I got home at 2am and could barley keep my eyes open. Shit happens. But it really was a bad day, then today was just shit too. Today I managed to trip over a chair (I think, to be honest one minute I was walking then I was on the floor) and face plant the ground while carrying a tray of drinks to a table. Oops. And I hit my knee pretty hard on the floor too so I spent the last three hours of my shift limping about work in pain. And it still hurts now :(. There is nothing worse than falling in the middle of a full restaurant, when everyone goes quiet and just stares at you. Awkward.

It's been a busy week between working and uni but tomorrow is a new day. And hopefully it'll be a better week, where I might actually get up with my alarm going off and not when I realise I have like 10 minutes to get ready to get to uni on time.

This week I've been trying to read a Mills and Boon romance novel, for my Women and the Media lecture. To say it's painful to read is an understatement. The woman in it is pathetic. Like she put up with her husband cheating on her for 3 years, divorced him and has sworn off ever being with another man. Like even sex or casual dating or anything. But still desperately wants a baby. Because that's all women want right?

It's just another pathetic female lead in the entertainment industry. But that is another story, and another rant that I will probably have tomorrow. Now it's time for an early night to catch up on some of the sleep I've missed out on this week, and hopefully I can get up for uni in time tomorrow. Or not ;)

Friday 4 October 2013

I Bet You First...

So I've finished my first week back to uni and I'm scared. Te amount of work this year is crazy and dissertation will possibly kill me but it will all be worth it in the end. 

And now apparently you can bet on what degree you'll get when you graduate. What. The. Fuck.?! Erm yeah that makes it all no pressure right! You better get a first cause I've bet all your savings on it. Betting on football and shit like that yeah. Bering in your degree, get a grip! Cause the gambling problems in the country are not bad enough as it, let's give people more ways to throw away their money. 

And since this whole blog is for a bet I'm being really contradictive here!

Thursday 3 October 2013

Handful Of Painkillers And A Lot Of Cough Medicine

And yes, the title's of this post and the previous one have been stolen from Sixx AM song lyrics. And yes the lyrics are about heroin (mine obviously isn't heroin addiction, just a cold but I like to exaggerate). There's my music obsession coming in again.

Sleep didn't help. I didn't get much of it. I was wide awake at 5am, then 8am, then 9am, then pretty much gave up. I feel so crap again. The head/ears are better but the rest is worse now. I'm pretty sure I've od'd on cough medicine today already, and cold and flu stuff, and painkillers. Yay wild one.

Between that and trying to get through some of the crazy uni work I already have it's been a fun filled one. 

So now I oficially give up on it. It's time for ice cream (Ben and Jerry's) and a Fast and Furious marathon to cheer myself up. Cause it's hard to be miserable watchin Paul Walker and Vin Diesel and Dwayne Jonhson, and the cars! *Drool ;)

Wednesday 2 October 2013

Sick As A Dog

Holy shit, so last week I thought I had freshers flu, this week I know for sure I have it. My god I feel like shit right now. Sore head, ears/hearing being weird all day, coughing, sniffing, sneezing. The whole lot. And such a busy day.

Cineworld had free films on at Union Square for their student day so we went to see Runner Runner, which was alright, not the best thing I've ever seen but it was free! Plus, when Justin Timberlake is in a film who cares about the plot ;) Followed by food at Giraffe and shopping, then a thank you party at CLAN Cancer Support for our class raising £20,000 for them. Yay us.

But really, I feel like death warmed up and I'm all dosed up on cold and flu medicine so now I think it's time to try and sleep. Sleep will make it better, I hope!

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Crazy Kids

It's been another long day. I spelt in for uni today, woke up at 7.55 and my first lecture was at 9. Oops. Mad rush to throw myself together and running out the door 15 minutes later with my flat mate who also slept in. But what a day. I have now had all my intro lectures to this semesters modules and I'm quite excited to et started. 

Dissertation sounds scary as fuck though. Like proper terrified of failing scary. But my motto for this year is it'll be fine, so positive thinking for the next 8 months and I'll get there. Although with very little sleep. 

I'm finally reunited with my bestie tonight as well, it's been like a month! So exciting. :). So being the crazy ones we are it's 10.30 and we've been in our jammies for 2 hours and nearly falling sleep on the sofa. Opps! 

Fuck It

So I got home from work half an hour ago and I have to get up for uni in 6 hours. I will not be a happy person tomorrow. A lot of coffee will be required. And red bull, really just any form of caffeine. It's going to be a long day. 

Even longer than today was. Work was a total night are again! Like people need to realise that I can't do a million things at once. I've never been shouted at and felt sorry for at the same time as much in my life ever. And I think I said sorry about 3 million times tonight. But unfortunately I ant make the oven cook the pizzas and fucking faster, and trying to run a full floor and tell the chef exactly what needs to go where while reassuring the customers their food will be out is not fucking easy. 

Like just fuck off. 

And now I have 8 hours of lectures to look forward to tomorrow. Yay. With the amount of work I already think I have I will have no life. And no sleep by the looks of it. Even my afternoon nap today was full of weird dreams about uni and work. I don't even get away from it then for fuck sake. 

Sunday 29 September 2013

Can't Get No Sleep

I may fall asleep at the keyboard tonight. I am so tired. It's been crazy at work this week and I have no energy or motivation left. Which is great timing for the first day back to uni tomorrow. Can't wait to get up in 7 hours for that. At least it's only an hour long lecture then I can come home and nap before work. After going to Asda, and cooking, and cleaning the flat. So maybe no time for a nap then.

If I could get a decent nights sleep it might help. I keep having weird dreams. Mostly about work. Great. I just want a good sleep. Please? Pretty please?

The C Word

People really need to stop saying the C word all the time. I really don't give a shit if theres only 13 more Saturdays 'til Christmas or whatever else it is, stop fucking talking about it, it's September for god sake! Please stop talking about it.

Christmas doesn't always mean fun and games for everyone. Some people have to work like fuck over Christmas cause you know, people want to go out for meals and shit. Really, just stay at fucking home! And don't walk in going "are you having a good Christmas?" to me.Yeah I love giving up my day so you don't have to cook. At least the job I'm in now doesn't open on Christmas day.

And to make it even better uni always makes exams at the start of January. Yay revision over Christmas and New Year.

But enough of that rant, it'll get worse the closer to Christmas.

Friday 27 September 2013



That is all!

What a fucking day. 

4th year sounds scary as fuck! Like properly I want to run away and hide from it scary. As much as I just want to get started with it all at the same time I'm terrified. The amount of work is crazy. I'll be living in the library for the next year!

I think my social life will consist of going to work and uni..maybe the occasional meeting up with friends...yay!

Then work last night :( it was such a busy day. I can't wait to actually have a night off, only 3 more shifts to go! 

I'm very tired now and need sleep.

Thursday 26 September 2013

Free Shit

Ahh the Vengaboys last night was amazing! Like probably the best freshers night I've been too. Apart from the slow as shit service in the bar, that made the already 20 minute wait to get to the bar really annoying. All the out their faces 18 year olds going wild. Yeah we've got it by now, you've finally left home, you can actually go out and get wasted legally. Woop woop. Big fucking deal! It's not like you are the first lot of freshers/18 year olds now shut the fuck up and get hame! Ahh rant over.

Fresher's Fair today was pretty good though, I now have so many bar discount cards that I can't actually fit them all into my purse. Oops. And so many vouchers for free food and drinks. Yay :) Every students favorite thing. And free Garage hoodies. That's all you need in life, there so cosy for winter and perfect for hangovers, I don't know how I coped before my garage hoody.

Annnnd there's the pint glass full of condoms. Like seriously.

Yeah. We walked past the union stand and the guy held out a bucket full of condoms, and when we politely declined he started grabbing handfuls and threw them into mine and Hannah's bags. While shouting "you'll need these, you never know what you might encounter out there." Mhm, a little bit scared now. I think I might never leave my bed/flat again now. Thanks pal.

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Always Changing

So yesterday I read on the BBC news app that they want to change the classifications. So a first will be split to A+, A and A-, and so on. Which yeah in theory is great but what happens with all the older degrees that have already just been given a first etc? 

It's like when they scrapped Standard Grades, like right after I did them. It was a great feeling sitting in Higher Art to be told that they now thought SG's were "useless" cause too many people were passing and getting good grades leaving them irrelevant. Yeah thanks, I loved spending two years working on them for nothing. Thanks guys!

Although I think my art teacher may have been exaggerating to piss me off. She hated me. And banned one of the other teachers from talking to me cause I was "too easily distracted." And i probably part of the reason, along with women's magazine and size zero celebrities, that I constantly worry about getting fat. 

We were doing our design projects for coursework and she kept telling me the models I was drawing were "too fat" and that "STYLISH IS SKINNY." She got a bit hysterical about that part and kept saying it over and over, going on about how she gave up on being stylish cause she wasn't thin enough. 

Which is probably not the best thing to be saying to a class full of 16 year girls. Thanks!

Tuesday 24 September 2013


So again technology has been a bitch today. I swear it hates me. First my iphone wouldn't back up to icloud, so I tried to get it sorted out at the Apple shop yesterday, got there to disover that it had decdided to start working again randomly. So the guy checked my phone to see if there was any problems and told me to restore my phone cause there was crashed apps making it go slow. No idea what that even means but it's all good.

Or so I thought. So I backed my phone up to my laptop this afternoon, just to make sure it was properly backed up. That part worked no problem. I then tried to restore it and it wouldn't work, I tried to up date it and it told me to download the new itunes.

So after downloading itunes and restarting my laptop like it said to do, it hadn't downloaded, so I did it again, got my phone to update and then it took an hour to "restore" everything. And all my apps were gone. Fucking wankers.

Seriously technology is a bitch.

Tonight Suzanne and I went to the Trinity student take over. What a load of shit. They promised free stuff, we got free advertisement flyers for their shops. Thanks guys! And discount bands for Officers Club, cause you know I buy so much men's clothes...

And of course I have to work tomorrow so I can't go to the Bon Accord lock in, so roll on the freshers fair to get decent free shit.

And now being the wild one that I am, I'm having an early night instead of going to Priory's foam party. As much as I love foam parties, Priory is like going to Mcdonalds for supper, something you don't do unless you're desperate, or hungover. 

Monday 23 September 2013

Fresher's Flu

It's been two days of Fresher's and I'm already suffering from the dreaded fresher's flu. My throat feels like it's closing up. This is clearly a sign that I need to stop drinking. 

Last night got a bit crazy again. I'm not going to get into too much details, but there was nearly a fight with the bouncers from a strip club. Enough said. Anything can happen during freshers. Like the guy I saw earlier going up Union Street on a bike wearing what looked like a table cloth as a cape. The fuck?

Although I managed to have some will power for the first time ever and say no to going out tonight, mainly cause I don't want to spend my only day off this week hungover, and partly cause I think my throat will die if I drink again tonight.

Foam party tomorrow though ;)

So now after eating a stupid amount junk food to make myself feel better (the diet can start next week ;) It's time for an early night now.

Sunday 22 September 2013

Liver Failure

By the end of freshers I will be broken. 

The hangover I have today is disgusting. Along with the skint knee, and bruises. But it's freshers so it's fine. Then the still being drunk at  work this morning. Oops. 

So of course I'm going out again tonight. It's a leaving night so it'll be a bit of a sad one but it should be a good one. If I ever get up the motivate to shower and get ready. Lazy.com!

Happy hangovers :)

Saturday 21 September 2013

Freshers Week

So it's Fresher's Week, the only week of the year that it's acceptable to spend more time drunk than sober. Well apart from when being on holiday. 

The plus points of freshers week:

  1. Alcohol. Lots of it. And very cheap. And lots of it.
  2. Free stuff! Hoodies, bottle openers, food, drinks and other shit you really don't need or will ever use.
  3. Laughing at the 18 year olds that can't handle their drink.
  4. Random nights with the old bands you used to love, Vengaboys, 5ive or Blazin' Squad Anyone? Bring on the cheese!

And of course there's the down side of Freshers:

  1. 18 year old's being drunk. And spewing. And loudly shrieking. 18 year old's in general. 
  2. The vomit all over the streets.
  3. The shit club nights every year. Toga parties are fun the first time, after a few going out in  a sheet is shit. And foam parties that make you unable to breathe or see, no that does not give you an excuse to try to get a sly grope.
  4. The ridiculous amount they charge to get into clubs. Yeah I want to see the Vengaboys but I don't really want to pay £8 for it!
  5. The shit chat up lines, "Are you a fresher?" Will never get you laid! Also being hit on  by 18 year olds. Yuck no thanks.
  6. Freshers flu. When every student in Aberdeen feels like death after a week of partying.

Despite the amount I seem to hate Freshers I still can't wait to go get very drunk with the uni girls tonight! Yay alcohol! 

Friday 20 September 2013

Girl Date

So tonight I saw one of the besties for the first time since Turkey. It was so good :)

White House Down was such a good film. Although anything with Channing Tatum is good with me. Hot as fuck! But anyway, aside from that it was a good film. I never thought a film that's about terrorists trying to kill a president could be so funny! Like when the president is running about with a suit and a pair of trainers on, or when the tour guide has a hissy fit with the terrorists for wrecking the antiques in the White House, then hitting one of them over the head with a German clock.

Although the film could have been greatly improved had Channing Tatum been topless throughout it.

Then Giraffe for food. I fucking love Giraffe. Amazing :)

There's nothing better than a catch up with friends, it's what make life good.

I Got A Hangover

Yuck :( I have one of the worst hangovers of my life today. Like spent half of the day sitting on my bathroom floor, throwing up everything I ate bad.

I will never drink another purple rain again. Purple rain is sambuca and blue curaso mixed together in a wine glass, it's then set on fire and poured into a normal glass, you drink the shot, suck the fumes up with a straw from the wine glass then snort the remaining liquid. Which sounds like the devils drink. 

They used to be ok when I was 18, but now not so much. Getting older is balls, at the ripe age of 22 it's maybe time I started to grow up, and face the fact that I'll be 30 one day. Nah who am I kidding, my liver and lungs (not to mention my sanity) are not likely to hold out another 8 years!

The thought of a three day drinking binge is painful, although I have managed to squeeze in a few this year. Hangovers are agony, maybe dying could be less painful? I hardly wear heels out unless it's a Saturday night, and even then it's too much effort, I stay off the drink (or at least don't drink as much as I normally would) if I have work the next day, cause the thought of being hungover at work is not something I like to entertain. 

The list of the realisation's that your getting is endless, but here's a few of mine:

  1. Drinking becomes a challenge. Shots go out of the window, a night out is started with "no jager tonight," followed by "maybe a few sambucca, but no more than that," and "one or two tequila is ok I suppose." Drinking games feel barbaric and pre drinking involves a few glasses of wine, instead of a few bottles.
  2. While out you tend to avoid clubs that are "too busy." If you can't move then you don't go any more, if it's too cold outside then you avoid smoking. If the toilets are horrible (which the majority of time they are) then you try to avoid going.
  3. The hangovers are killer. A whole day in bed feels like the best way to recuperate. And if you need to do anything that day the thought is painful. Even the smell of a drink makes you feel sick, and food is best avoided the majority of the day.
  4. When you see 6am it's no longer because you are just going to bed. Bed time is now half 10, 11 at a push. After having a nap earlier that day. 6am is now the time you get up, sober, for work etc. And a "late night" is staying up past midnight.
  5. Everything starts to hurt. Constantly. Especially after anything that required minimal effort. 
  6. When people phone you after 9ish they ask if they woke you, before telling you how tired you sound. Then get off the phone quickly so they can let you sleep.
  7. You actually eat breakfast, for breakfast. Instead of chocolate, crisps and other junk food before 9am classes, and "breakfast foods" for lunch or dinner. As much as chocolate for meals sounds amazing the thought of it...
  8. Finally, there's being an actual grown up. Having to do washing and cleaning, learning how to cook real food instead of pot noodles and doing your own shopping.
Yeah fuck growing up. Like seriously!

Wednesday 18 September 2013


Despite probably killing my liver in Turkey I've been desperate for a night out since we got home. Strange yes, but I think all the amazing nights out there have got me too buzzin for it. So yay finally tonight it's a cheeky pre-freshers night out. Can't wait!

This week and next week is the last of my social life for a while. It's back to uni after that, and I'm working for most of freshers week which sucks but the money will be worth it I suppose.

I'm pretty sure that after a night out in Aberdeen it will kill my enthusiasm for drinking after seeing just how shit Aberdeen is for going out. But yay alcohol :) I have my beer already opened so now just to quickly get ready and then off to the pub!

Can't wait for tomorrows hangover! See you then bitches :)

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Winter Is Balls

It's the second worst time of the year again, winter. It's colder, more rainy, windier, and it will most likely snow.

Who needs the cold and snow? Like seriously I don't want to have to start wearing more clothes cause of the weather, I don't want to buy more scarfs and gloves cause I can't remember where I put last years one. I don't want to try to find another winter jacket. The only good thing about winter clothes is ugg boots. They are so cosy! But get wrecked in the snow and rain. Again winter is shit!

And then there's getting ill. The whole cold/flu thing. Like I have time to get sick. I don't want the sore throat, the coughing or sniffing, the generally feeling crap thing. Fuck off with that one. 

Screw this I'm hibernating until summer again. I'll see the outside world in April.

Monday 16 September 2013

Technically Challenged

Technology actually hates me. Like properly hates me. The amount of things technology related that goes wrong for me is stupid.

Like my new printer. I swear the thing is evil. It took me 15 minutes to figure out how to put the ink in the stupid thing. There was too many things to take off and move and shit, then get into the printer. And that was after the fight to get it out of the damn box in the first place.

Then there's trying to set it up with the wifi to my laptop. The fuck! Set the actual printer up, put the disk in and all that shit, but it won't work. Googled it, still can't figure it out. So of course I gave up. Obviously. So it's waiting until Daddy comes to visit to do it for me :) Really when he asked me if I'd be able to do it my self I should have said no, but no of course I had to be like oh yeah I can do it myself. Stupid!

Then there's my laptop. There was the time it wouldn't switch on, but that one was my fault for spilling a pint of fanta on it. My own fault. Of course being me it was two days before my Media History exam, resulting in me revising the whole fucking thing off my phone. My own fault for knocking over the fanta, and for leaving all my revision until the last minute. But I got an A so it's all good! Yay :)

Then there was when my laptop decided to stop charging, something to do with pins? No idea, but now I have to move the wires about to get it to charge and the cable falls out so easily, it's like I can't move my laptop when it's plugged in to make sure it will actually charge. 

My old laptop is a whole other story. That thing just gave up on me, and to be fair I needed a new one anyway, and this one is so much prettier, it's pink,my favourite colour, being as girly as I am.

Phones don't really like me either, but somehow my I-Phone has survived a year with me, I only lost it twice, the first time I got it replaced and the second time I managed to get it back. Yay. Somehow despite the the number of times I've dropped it I've never managed to smash the screen on it, something I'm quite proud of. 

But now it's time to go to sleep before I can break anymore technology. Night!

Sunday 15 September 2013

What's My Age Again?

So the Lion King. As well as my obsession with music and addiction to shopping I have a (probably unhealthy) obsession with the Lion King. It's my favourite film. As childish as that is I love it. It always cheers me up when I feel crap (like last night after all my stupid accidents) after a good cry when Mufasa dies.

But not only is it a great film it also teaches you valuable life lessons. Like the Circle of Life, which is also a great song. The Circle of Life, where every living thing has a contribution to the continuation of the world as we know it. "When we die, our bodies become the grass, and the antelope eat the grass. And so we are all connected in the great circle of life." And without the Circle of Life (like when Scar takes over) everything goes to shit. Like no food or water or anything and everything will die. But yay Simba saves the day and overthrows Scar, obviously.

Next valuable lesson, if you've got a dick of an uncle don't listen to him, especially with a name like Scar, he's clearly a bastard. Seriosly the name is kind of a give away! And he will do shitty things and blame you (kill your dad and make you believe it was you) lie to your family (tell them you died too) and then try to kill you. Stay the fuck away from him. 

Moving on from Mufasa's death :( RIP. I cry everytime I watch it, and sit there like just open your eyes, come just don't be dead. Breaks my heart. Which is stupid since I've seen it that much times I can say like every word along with it.But still. Simba later learns that even though you're family is gone they still live on in you. Cue "He Lives In You" from the sequel. 

"Oh yes, the past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it." Good old Rafiki, always the wise one. The past will always hurt but you can't avoid it, you need to face up to what's happened. Running away will never help, as proved but how much Scar fucked over the pride lands. But confronting the past can help to restore the future, as seen when Simba saves the day and defeats Scar. 

And finally, Hakuna Mutata. "It means no worries, for the rest of your daaaaaays." Enough said.

Writing this has made me want to go watch it again. So addicted.

From the Lion King last night to Shrek today, I really am such a kid. Like seriously I never want to grow up, the real world is a scary place. In the infamous words of Suzanne, "Peter Panning this shit 'til we're 40." 

Full Time Babysitter Please?

What a total shambles I've been today.


I've cut my thumb, got boiling water over my hand, hit my head and nearly fell of a kerb. And all this without alcohol. The fuck? And the cramps didn't help either.

I really should not be left on my own anymore. Like ever. One of these day's I will seriously hurt my self. I need a full time baby sitter for my own safety. Any takers? Please.

And just to make my night better all my friends are out and whatsapping me about it, just to rub it in that I've been working all night :( Screw them, I have my 50% vodka, and freshers starts next week! Hell yeah. Can't wait to get messy the whole week. Again.

Now it's time to watch the Lion King, so I can cry out all the hormones and cheer myself up at the same time. Yay :)

Saturday 14 September 2013

On Repeat

So people are still dicks. I really do wonder why I work I a restaurant. I go in happy,  but after a couple hours the smile becomes fake and the enthusiasm is forced. Like really is there any need? Although the free food and the tips totally makes up for the other crap. 

Pretty Fly For A White Guy had been stuck in my head all fucking day now, occasionally replaced by other songs for like 5 minuets at a time. It's driving me crazy now! Don't get me wrong it's a good song but Jesus fuck its annoying now! 

Autocorrect is a bitch too! It helps when I can't spell a work (pretty much all the time) but fucking hell, not ducking hell as it like to say! Dick. Clearly dick is my favourite insult today. It goes between dick, tool, wanker, bitch, and any other insult I can think of at the time. 


Friday 13 September 2013

Time Of My Life

Work still sucks... Honestly people are assholes. I have no idea why the hell I work in a job the requires dealing with the public, cause I really don't like people. If it wasn't for the fact I liked my social life too much I would honestly consider becoming a hermit. I'm a waitress, not a fucking pysic, sorry should I just know that you're going to turn up 45 mins late for your table? Or that the other two people aren't coming and you want to order. Calm yourself eh! 

So as I said last night I watched Dirty Dancing, for the millionth time. As much as I love Dirty Dancing I have to admit after seeing it (too) many times I'm starting to think the script for it wasn't that great. The story line is amazing, it's a classic obviously but the dialogue is pretty shit sometimes. Half the time Baby opened her mouth I want to tell her to get a grip, she just sounds so pathetic and unsure of what she's even saying.

I think I'm more angry than usual today, I'm still not over the holiday blues yet :( Life sucks!

This time last week I was trying (failing) to go scuba diving, drinking beer, cocktails, fishbowls and everything else in front of us, dancing on a bar, jumping about dancing in club like an insane person and then on bar street. Oh and playing with a moneky ;)

Actual monkeys...not whatever your dirty mind jumped to!

And then this week I cleaned my flat, made soup and served pizza, woo exciting times! Roll on next week for some exciting times haha.

Thursday 12 September 2013

Work Sucks, I Know...

So after two weeks off I went back to work tonight. It actually wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, it helped cheer me up from the holiday blues I've been feeling. And the cheeky beer afterwards ;)

Although telling everyone about how amazing Turkey was did get a little depressing since I'm home.

Last Monday had to be one of the most random days ever. We went to the waterpark, where myself and Kristine proceeded to re-enact the Titanic every time our tubes floated away from each other, "Jack, come back Jack!" while dramatically trying to reach each other. That and the ammount we were throwing each other off the tubes, to be fair to say they thought we were a bit crazy. Especially when we got slushies and asked them to put vodka in them. Yum :)

This ended up with us going out after the park closed on a speed boat with three of the guys that worked there (I forgot their names). Probably not the smartest idea we had but we survived, soaked with salt water. Mmmm.

On the way home we worked out we had 50 lire between us, facing a difficult challenege, enough for a fishbowl or for food, obviously we chose the logical option, fishbowl. Eventually, after a shower and a pizza, we ended up on bar street. That place was wild. 

Ah the memories :(. Now it's time for bed and Dirty Dancing.

I carried a watermelon.

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Challenge Accepted

So Suzanne made a bet with me that I can't keep a diary going a whole year so here it goes to prove her wrong! I'm not promising this is going to be interesting but I will try. It's probably mostly going to be me ranting about absolute shit or saying stupid things, story of my life!

Suzanne, challenge accepted :)

About me, I'm Stacey, a 22 media student in Aberdeen. I'm obsessed with music and have an addiction to shopping. I tend to drink too much and say a lot of stupid things, that I get laughed at and slagged off all the time for. Anyone else not know you were meant to blanch vegetables before freezing them or was that just me? Yeah, Suzanne laughed at me for hours about that one, like it's common knowledge or something! No idea how I cope living on my own.

I've just got from Marmaris, what a week that one was. Two of my best friends and myself. Fishbowls, 5am swims, water parks, free speedboats, cocktails, scuba diving, dancing on bars and getting called crazy a lot, and more fishbowls, cocktails, beers and shots. I'm surprised we all survived it.

Our first night there we arrived at like 2am, so being to normal people we are we got changed and went out. We found a bar just down the street from us and got wasted on fishbowls. We got back to our hotel and the bar was still open so we got more drinks, then decided that a 5am swim was a good idea. Kristine being the most mental of us all jumped in still dressed, where Marite and I went and changed into our bikinis, cause that's just what you do right? An hour later, and a couple other people jumping/being pushed in the water we finally made it to bed after 24 hours of travelling and drinking. Nice long lie the next morning? Hell no, four hours later we were up and out again.

*No names have been changed to protect the not so innocent ;)