
Friday 20 September 2013

I Got A Hangover

Yuck :( I have one of the worst hangovers of my life today. Like spent half of the day sitting on my bathroom floor, throwing up everything I ate bad.

I will never drink another purple rain again. Purple rain is sambuca and blue curaso mixed together in a wine glass, it's then set on fire and poured into a normal glass, you drink the shot, suck the fumes up with a straw from the wine glass then snort the remaining liquid. Which sounds like the devils drink. 

They used to be ok when I was 18, but now not so much. Getting older is balls, at the ripe age of 22 it's maybe time I started to grow up, and face the fact that I'll be 30 one day. Nah who am I kidding, my liver and lungs (not to mention my sanity) are not likely to hold out another 8 years!

The thought of a three day drinking binge is painful, although I have managed to squeeze in a few this year. Hangovers are agony, maybe dying could be less painful? I hardly wear heels out unless it's a Saturday night, and even then it's too much effort, I stay off the drink (or at least don't drink as much as I normally would) if I have work the next day, cause the thought of being hungover at work is not something I like to entertain. 

The list of the realisation's that your getting is endless, but here's a few of mine:

  1. Drinking becomes a challenge. Shots go out of the window, a night out is started with "no jager tonight," followed by "maybe a few sambucca, but no more than that," and "one or two tequila is ok I suppose." Drinking games feel barbaric and pre drinking involves a few glasses of wine, instead of a few bottles.
  2. While out you tend to avoid clubs that are "too busy." If you can't move then you don't go any more, if it's too cold outside then you avoid smoking. If the toilets are horrible (which the majority of time they are) then you try to avoid going.
  3. The hangovers are killer. A whole day in bed feels like the best way to recuperate. And if you need to do anything that day the thought is painful. Even the smell of a drink makes you feel sick, and food is best avoided the majority of the day.
  4. When you see 6am it's no longer because you are just going to bed. Bed time is now half 10, 11 at a push. After having a nap earlier that day. 6am is now the time you get up, sober, for work etc. And a "late night" is staying up past midnight.
  5. Everything starts to hurt. Constantly. Especially after anything that required minimal effort. 
  6. When people phone you after 9ish they ask if they woke you, before telling you how tired you sound. Then get off the phone quickly so they can let you sleep.
  7. You actually eat breakfast, for breakfast. Instead of chocolate, crisps and other junk food before 9am classes, and "breakfast foods" for lunch or dinner. As much as chocolate for meals sounds amazing the thought of it...
  8. Finally, there's being an actual grown up. Having to do washing and cleaning, learning how to cook real food instead of pot noodles and doing your own shopping.
Yeah fuck growing up. Like seriously!

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