
Tuesday 8 October 2013


I know I keep on moaning about life just now and here I go again. What a long day! Left for uni at like 8 this morning and got home at like half 8...at night. 

Not only was the day long it was exhausting. I'm not going to lie here, I have no idea what was going on in some of my lectures. Oops. It started out fine, the first research methods lecture got me terrified about dissertation, again. The second one not only made sense of the lecture last week (Yay I now know not only what the types of research are, but what type I need to do :) ) it also showed amusing youtube clips.

Yeah that really happened.  And yes, it really was used in a lecture.

It all went down hill from there. Post Modern Culture is confusing, and all we had was two theorists to learn about. I understood like nothing about the first one and maybe half of the second one. Or at least I think I did. Like postmodernism culture is a reflection of how shallow society had got? Or something like that maybe. I don't know!

Journalism was just as confusing, although to be honest I stopped paying attention. I was too lost to figure out what was going on. Oops.

Fun times though, I went to a RAG meeting and I'm pretty excited (although was too tired to show much enthusiasm at the time) to get involved. 

I promise that between the uni work tomorrow I will find the time to actually write an interesting post for a change though. Like something with depth and meaning...or not!

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