
Saturday 21 September 2013

Freshers Week

So it's Fresher's Week, the only week of the year that it's acceptable to spend more time drunk than sober. Well apart from when being on holiday. 

The plus points of freshers week:

  1. Alcohol. Lots of it. And very cheap. And lots of it.
  2. Free stuff! Hoodies, bottle openers, food, drinks and other shit you really don't need or will ever use.
  3. Laughing at the 18 year olds that can't handle their drink.
  4. Random nights with the old bands you used to love, Vengaboys, 5ive or Blazin' Squad Anyone? Bring on the cheese!

And of course there's the down side of Freshers:

  1. 18 year old's being drunk. And spewing. And loudly shrieking. 18 year old's in general. 
  2. The vomit all over the streets.
  3. The shit club nights every year. Toga parties are fun the first time, after a few going out in  a sheet is shit. And foam parties that make you unable to breathe or see, no that does not give you an excuse to try to get a sly grope.
  4. The ridiculous amount they charge to get into clubs. Yeah I want to see the Vengaboys but I don't really want to pay £8 for it!
  5. The shit chat up lines, "Are you a fresher?" Will never get you laid! Also being hit on  by 18 year olds. Yuck no thanks.
  6. Freshers flu. When every student in Aberdeen feels like death after a week of partying.

Despite the amount I seem to hate Freshers I still can't wait to go get very drunk with the uni girls tonight! Yay alcohol! 

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