
Sunday 29 September 2013

The C Word

People really need to stop saying the C word all the time. I really don't give a shit if theres only 13 more Saturdays 'til Christmas or whatever else it is, stop fucking talking about it, it's September for god sake! Please stop talking about it.

Christmas doesn't always mean fun and games for everyone. Some people have to work like fuck over Christmas cause you know, people want to go out for meals and shit. Really, just stay at fucking home! And don't walk in going "are you having a good Christmas?" to me.Yeah I love giving up my day so you don't have to cook. At least the job I'm in now doesn't open on Christmas day.

And to make it even better uni always makes exams at the start of January. Yay revision over Christmas and New Year.

But enough of that rant, it'll get worse the closer to Christmas.

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