
Wednesday 9 December 2015


As I mentioned in my last post I loved the artwork for Ice Nine Kills "Every Trick In The Book," and since I've been swamped with coursework, and haven't really had time to write lately, I thought I'd share a few of my favourite album artworks. 

Escape The Fate - "Dying Is Your Latest Fashion" 2006

I'm not saying this was Escape the Fate's best album, far from it. I like the album, but I love the cover. It's a bit sleazy, a bit debauched, and a lot amazing. And it's probably the biggest reason I'm tempted to get my lip pierced, and it kind of resembles what I look like when I wake up the morning after a night out. I'm sure other people can relate to this too right? It pretty much sums up the album, a kinda wrecked, kinda trashy.

Aiden - "Knives" 2009

Anther cover that reflects the album. Knives is full of nightmarish analogies, an album of dark, twisted ideas and lyrics. The album artwork shows a creepy kid, vampire like in nature. This could be a reflection of the entire album, or a reflection of song "Let The Right One In," a tribute to the Swedish vampire film of the same name. Either way it resembles the things nightmares are born from, and has the right amount of creepiness.

HIM - "Dark Light" 2005

"Dark Light," is the second album not to feature frontman Ville Valo on the cover, and the first to feature artwork that is neither Valo, just the Heartagram or a combination of both. The album is itself is mythical, and there is something quite eerie about a skyscraper in the middle of the sea. It's the perfect accompaniment to the lyrical and instrumental content, and an amazing piece of artwork to bring HIM away from their classic style.

Falling In Reverse - "Just Like You" 2015

Like with every other aspect of Falling In Reverse, if you don't take any of it seriously, it's good. If you take it with a light heart, "Just Like You," is a great album. If you take it too seriously (like most critics do) then it sucks balls. But go fuck yourself, it's meant to be funny. Or at least I assume it is. The album artwork is true to this. Half naked girl, comical belt.


Nirvana - "Nevermind" 1991 
The "Nevermind" album artwork has become an iconic image. Worldwide hundreds of millions of people have seen it. It's simple, yet has an impact on you. It can be looked at primarily as an imaged the band liked, and idea they had. It can be looked at as more, as a symbolisation of society chasing the dollar. Either way it's the image of a generation, the image of a scene, and an image that will always be there.

Friday 4 December 2015

Every Trick In The Book

Ice Nine Kills released their new album, "Every Trick In The Book," today. I literally only heard of the band last night, through an amusing video on Buzzfeed, and was intrigued to check out the band. I've been listening to "Every Trick In The Book," on repeat all day now. So thanks Buzzfeed.

Not only is it an amazing album, with thought provoking lyrics and strong instrumentals, it is a tribute to some of the best horror inspiring literature. A refreshing break from the majority of music released focusing on dark issues and relationships. The album artwork needs a mention too, a simplistic cartoonised depiction of horror characters, it sums up the album in one picture. And looks fucking incredible. 

Opening track "The Nature of the Beast," starts off in a very stage musical style, which had me doubting the album to start with, first impressions and all that you know. This lasted about 30 seconds and I was hooked. 

"Communion of the Cursed," is a haunting tale, with the perfect balance of clean cut vocals and screaming. 'So where's you saviour tonight? As angels fall from the sky.' is best line of the whole album.

An overall twisted album, that at times has the right amount of debauchery to satisfy any fan. And although I've never read a lot of the books the songs reference, this didn't take anything away from the experience. 

Wednesday 25 November 2015

'Cause We Have Had Enough

Between drowning in coursework, not feeling 100% and just generally struggling with motivation, I haven't posted in a couple weeks. And I had no intention on saying anything about recent tragedies, but some of the comments I've read lately, I feel the need to write this.

Last night (or early hours of this morning...) Papa Roach announced they were pulling out of the remaining dates on their European tour with Five Finger Death Punch, who were still continuing with it. While most of the comments were understanding there was still the usual asshole talking shit about it. Questioning why they were pulling out, why other bands were continuing and not them. Go fuck yourselves, seriously. In light of all the shit that's been going on lately is not seeing a band really that much of a disaster?! And if a band feels it isn't safe to continue please remember it's not just them they're thinking about. It's their crew, their family, their fans. 

With all the shit that's going on in the world this is a time to stick together, not a time to single out bands or artists, or to question motives. If a someone doesn't feel the security is up to scratch, or it can't be secured then cancelling is the best way forward. The world doesn't need another massacre on it's hands. And no band, artist, event planner etc should be left to feel the weight of this on their shoulders. 

Life will always be full of "what if's?" but "what if we hadn't played the show?" isn't something anyone should be left with.

And if this shit isn't already real enough for you then try reading this, watching the interview and tell me you don't feel anything, and that your still pissed you favourite band is doubting doing a tour.

Friday 13 November 2015

I Will Wait For This Moment

I couldn't sleep last night. This has become a recurring theme in my life, and after a few hours of tossing and turning I thought I'd at least try to be productive. After an hour of failing to get the motivation to do coursework I ended up just listening to music. I ended up listening to songs I've not heard in a while, songs that bring back memories of times gone by. I've always regarded music as a catalyst for emotion and evoking the nostalgia for the past. Music is with you every step of your life and can help put into words what you're feeling or going through when you don't know how to. So I decided to do a post on the top 5 musical moments in my life. Really it's just another excuse for me to ramble on shit about music, and spend an hour or so procrastinating.

1. Aiden

I can't tell you the first Aiden song I listened to, I can't tell you where I was, how I felt, or that in the moment it instantly changed something in my life. But I can remember seeing they were playing in Aberdeen, and getting a ticket to go, more because a band was playing in Aberdeen than anything else. That's when my love affair with Aiden began. I started listening to them after buying that ticket and I got obsessed. I remember meeting them at One Up on Belmont Street before the gig, getting my already wrecked jeans signed (they've still not been washed...) and getting a photo taken with Angel, 'cause I was too shy to ask Wil Francis. I remember being right at the front of the gig, where there were no barriers between the floor and the stage, and Francis saying there was no need for the security staff acting as barriers. And the best part, I remember Francis taking my camera (this was back when cameras on phones were shit) and taking a 'selfie' with the crowd in the background. I lost the photo when my old laptop broke. I never backed it. I'm sure there is a way to get it back, but I'm technically challenged. It was true love after that gig. A couple years later I went to Glasgow to see them again, and it was just as magical as the first time. And in January I will be seeing them for the last time, and hopefully this time at the VIP meet and greet I won't be too star struck or shy to function. But probably not. Thank god for alcohol.

Check out Aiden's website where you can get their full discography as a free download, and for full tour dates.

2. Sixx AM/Motley Crue

I do remember when I first hears Sixx AM. I was surfing through the music channels back in the day, like you do. I stopped on Kerrang! where the video for 'Life Is Beautiful,' was playing. Something about the song made me stop and listen. And I was hooked. I immediately bought the album, then the book, then started listening to Motley Crue. And if you've seen any of my previous posts about Sixx AM or Motley Crue there isn't really much else to say.

3. Motorhead

I grew up with Motorhead. My dad is obsessed. Motorhead has always just been there, a constant in my life. It's one of the things I can remember always being there, much like my mums obsession with Meatloaf's 'Bat Out Of Hell' album (I know all the words to all the songs from childhood car trips) Motorhead was a staple of life. I was around 14 or 15 when my dad first took me to see Motorhead with him. It was one of, if not the first, proper rock gig I had been to. And I loved every minute of it. I'm not entirely sure how many times I've actually seen Motorhead now, I think it's around 6 or 7 but I could be wrong. After experiencing the atmosphere of an amazing live performance I was left craving more, and this is when I really fell for live music. 

Motorhead are touring the UK at the start of next year.

4. HIM

I can't remember which song I heard first, but it was the release of the 'Dark Light' album that got me. So I'd guess it was 'Vampire Heart,' the first track on the album. 'Dark Light,' was the first album I bought that wasn't cheesy pop music. And it's the one that started it all. Probably one of my dads proudest moments too. That album changed my life, in regards to my taste in music. I would still regard it as one of the best, most influential albums I've ever bought. It might not be one that will stand for the test of time, or even be the one they are remember for, but to me, it will always hold a special place in my heart. I remember feeling like everything made a lot more sense. It woke the true music fan within me, and that's stayed with me since.

5. Guns 'n' Roses

If you've read my blog before you'll know I'm not a fan of Guns 'n' Roses post Slash. I can remember 'borrowing' my dads 'Appetite of Destruction' CD (my dad now still borrows CD's from me..) and it clicked. It was like with HIM, it just felt right. I appreciate that Axl Rose is a talented musician, I can appreciate that what remains of Guns 'n' Roses are still making good music, but I just don't like it. The early music is brilliant, and deserves all the praise it gets. Sometime around 2006 I think it was I was reading Kerrang! magazine and saw the tour announcement, Guns 'n' Roses were playing in Glasgow with Bullet For My Valentine. I was excited. I loved Bullet at the time, so off me and my dad went. It was one of the worst atmospheres I ever experienced at a gig. Bullet were fantastic, but the majority of the (older) crowd didn't care, they weren't there for a support band they'd never heard of. It was a strange atmosphere, with a blatantly obvious mentality people were there for the main act, and the main act only. Two hours and near riots later Axl finally got on stage. By this point I was already over it. They put on a good show, but my heart wasn't in it any more. And this when I first realised that music could be a let down. When the band stops caring about the music and the fans and more about the money the magic is lost.

Tuesday 10 November 2015

Cause They Don't Even Know You

As I've said before, Nikki Sixx gave one of the most inspiring speeches I've ever heard. And I've been trying to write this post for days. It's easy to write about the love you have for a band or whatever, but it is so hard to write about real feelings.

Nikki Sixx is a true inspiration to me, and what he said on tour is something that will stay with me forever. It comes down to 

As I said in my previous post, Nikki Sixx gave an inspiring speech on the final tour, one that I can't forget about. I've watched the video of it over and over again on YouTube. But really what Sixx is saying is don't let the bastards get you down. Don't let anyone stop you from doing what you want to do.

And it could not have came at a better time in my life. Right now I'm trying to do a masters, and I'm fucking up. I feel like shit every day, and it's the same feeling I had the first time I was at uni, when I dropped out. I felt like this at college, I felt like this in my undergrad. It's fucking killer. I feel like i can't do this, I'm not good enough, that everyone is more intelligent than I am. And the only thing that has kept me going is that I can't disappoint my parents, especially now 'cause their paying and I can't deal with their failure, and music.

Music, and the artists that inspire me keep me going. I listen to certain songs to get through coursework. Certain songs get me up in the morning, they keep me going. 'Cause right now I don't feel ok. I feel like shit. And drinking and music is what's keeping me going.

Sixx AM is on constant repeat in my life, 'cause their songs inspire me to keep going. But what Nikki Sixx said in Manchester is something I needed to here. There is only so far music can go, but inspiring words from your hero can make all the difference. So thank you Nikki. Thank you so fucking much. You will never know how much it means.

Friday 6 November 2015

The Final Tour

So on Tuesday I checked one off the bucket list. And I'm still processing it. My dad and I flew down to Manchester to see Motley Crue. Going into the venue my dad asked me, who are the support? Obviously Alice Cooper isn't classed as a support act. And I honestly had no idea. It wasn't something I had considered, too consumed by the idea of Alice Cooper and Motley Crue.

The One Hundred

Turns out, the support band were actually really good. Well, let's be fair, they would have to be to support such legends. Throughout the set it wasn't too clear what was actually being sung, or what was being said by vocalist Jacob Field at all times, but the instrumentals sounded incredible. And you have to admire their energy. They didn't let the half empty arena deter them, Field was going from end to end of the stage, all over the place giving it laldy. I later figured out that I've saw The One Hundred before, back in March when supporting Papa Roach we caught the last couple songs and were left impressed. At least this time I'll remember their name!

Alice Cooper

If you've no idea what an Alice Cooper stage show looks like then please go YouTube it. It is phenomenal. And although Cooper was only a 'special guest,' he brought the full on stage show with him, and delivered everything you would expect to see from Alice Cooper. It's not just a musical performance you get, it's a theatre worthy stage show. And credit must be given to Cooper's band. They are incredibly talented musicians. Honestly, if you ever get the opportunity to see Alice Cooper, whether you're a fan or not do it. It's hard to put into words just how fantastic the show is. It takes a lot to follow Alice Cooper, but Motley Crue is a band worthy of this task.

Motley Crue

I still can't quite believe I actually saw Motley Crue. Motley Crue is all about the sleaze, all about the hedonism, the dirty rock 'n' roll you struggle to find these days. And their past exploits do nothing to deny this. Their set list was a homage to their 34 year career. In true Motley style they kicked the set off with the sleaziest of the sleaze, 'Girls, Girls, Girls,' and just kept it coming for the entire night.

Vince Neil was all over the stage, from side to side, everywhere he could run he did. But the lifestyle has clearly taken it's toll on him, and now he just looks tired and haggard. I'm sorry to say this, and I've never been a huge fan of him, despite his talent, Vince Neil is not anything special. 

Mick Mars is an underrated talent. I never really appreciated how much he can shred the guitar until seeing him live. His solo's during their songs were incredible, but his centre stage solo is something of legend. The passion in his performances is incredible, and something a lot of musicians can learn from.

Tommy Lee really brings it too. Seeing the Crusifly in person is something else. It takes a hell of a talent to play drums upside down, on a coaster going over the crowd. I can't put it into words just amazing it is. 

And finally Nikki Sixx. Sixx is one of my heroes, so I am completely biased while writing this. not only give an absolutely fantastic performance, with flames throwing from his bass, Sixx also delivered a speech I won't forget. Essentially it comes down to don't ever let someone keep you down. He is a true inspiration.

I really am struggling to put into words how seeing Motley Crue made me feel. I've seen some of my favourite bands before but none have ever effected me in this way. It was honestly the best experience of my life, and one that I will take to my grave.

Saturday 31 October 2015


Halloween is my favourite time of the year. Screw Christmas, Halloween is where it's at. I love the gory decorations, I love dressing up, and most importantly I love that I can make playlists up of songs I love and no one can complain about it for once. No being forced to listen to R Kelly on repeat. Screw you R Kelly.

Music is what can make or break a party, or any occasion, so it's important to get it right. You need the cheese, the horror film classics, and the creepy. And what better genre for Halloween inspired music than rock. So here is my top picks for Halloween.

The Cheesy Halloween Classics

'Casue you can't just throw in the rock, you need to have a bit of the overplayed, commercial songs that everyone know.

Michael Jackson - Thriller

No Halloween party is complete with a bit of MJ. And 'Thriller' is as iconic as it gets, for both MJ and Halloween. With an award winning video full of the supernatural elements, the video propelled the song to become a cult classic. Yeah, it's cheesy as hell, but it will always be remembered. 

Monster Mash

Another iconic Halloween themed song. Monster Mash has been covered and parodied countless times. Some good, some bad. My favourite version has got to be Misfits.


The classic Halloween, horror dance song. Taken from the infamous Rocky Horror Picture Show, Timewarp is known by millions. And it is nearly impossible to hear it without looking like an idiot dancing along. A favourite with kids and adults alike, it is a must for Halloween. 

(Horror) Film and TV Themes

I feel like the following need no explanation. And if you're unsure about them then please remove yourself from the rock you've clearly been hiding under and go get Netflix, or go on Amazon, or just Google it!

Adams Family


Freddy Kruger (Nightmare on Elm Street)

The Exorsist


Rock Music

Ozzy Osbourne - Crazy Train

From the Osbourne's manical laughing, to the fact that Osbourne is bat shit crazy, you can't have a Halloween playlist with out him. And the song is a classic.

Metallica - Welcome Home (Sanitarium)

Keeping with the kinda insane theme here, next up is Metallica, 'Welcome Home (Sanitarium). From 1986's 'Master of Puppets,' arguably one of the most influential albums ever released, the song is creepy from start to finish. So perfect for Halloween. The opening riff gives me shivers down my spine every time I hear it. And with lyrics that can interpreted as someone trapped in an asylum (or their own head) it could be the theme song for a number of horrors. A winning Halloween combination. Although to be fair, just thrown on a couple of Metallica albums ans you've got yourself a pretty sound playlist as it is.

AC/DC - Highway To Hell

One of the most recognised rock songs out there, Highway to Hell is another classic. There's not much explanation required with this one either, Halloween is all about demons and shit, and I'd assume they'd be giving it shit down in hell. So what could be more appropriate than a song about the 'Highway to Hell.'

Motley Crue - Shout At The Devil

'Shout, shout, shout. Shout, shout shout. Shout at the devil.' Again, the devil is a heavily associated Halloween figure. 'Shout At The Devil' can be taken if two ways, worshipping the devil, or a fuck you to the devil. Whichever way you want to take it, it's a Halloween kinda song.

Aiden - We Sleep Forever

As with the other bands mentioned there are a lot of Aiden songs that can be used on a Halloween playlist. Goth rock is Halloween all year round. But 'We Sleep Forever' is one of my favourites and is the on the soundtrack for 2007's horror film 'Dead Silence.' And the video features the band performing in a graveyard. It is worth mentioning Aiden's haunting cover of 'Cry Little Sister,' for the 'Lost Boys' remake too. It's a bit creepy. The original is also pretty creepy. Check them both out.

Misfits - Halloween

I feel like that is self explanatory. Halloween.

Alice Cooper

Original horror rock star, Alice Cooper. Anything by the legend is Halloween appropriate. Halloween go together like bread and butter.

Check out my full Halloween playlist here:https://open.spotify.com/user/1113460294/playlist/0H2XlezhN1klcEqocJaFGi

And if you're not feeling my music (although god knows why) here are some other playlists:




Friday 30 October 2015


So Fightstar played on Wednesday night at The Garage in Aberdeen. We went with quite mixed emotions about the gig. I will admit I haven't really listened to Fightstar for years. It was more a combination of a band is actually playing Aberdeen and nostalgia for the past that prompted us to buy tickets. 

I'm glad we went. I saw Fightstar back in 2007, and left a bit disappointed. By the time they came on stage we could only stay around 20 minutes before the last bus home left Aberdeen. This was back in the day before we could drive. I wasn't even old enough to drive back then. Good times.

Although a highlight of the first time was a little know (at the time) support band called You Me At Six. I remember school the next day and everyone that had attended was raving about them. And well let's be fair, who hasn't heard of You Me At Six now?! Although it is a bit sad to see that while YM@6 are selling out Wembley and shit Fightstar are still playing tiny venues. And going by The Garage's facebook page there were still tickets left on the door.

But enough about the past.

Fightstar nailed it. Despite only knowing a few songs I couldn't help but get into the entire gig. The crowd was loving it too, the majority of the dance floor being taken up by a moshpit from start to finish. And the wee grin on Charlie Simpson's face every time the crowd sang louder than him was priceless. All in all, it was a brilliant night that has refuelled a love for the band. And if you get the opportunity to go see them on a future tour go for it. You won't be disappointed.

And if anyone wants a bit of nostalgia, here is a video of Save It For The Bedroom from 2007.

Tuesday 27 October 2015

Never Have To Say Goodbye

"I'd rather die on my feet, than live my life on my knees..."
           -Papa Roach 'As Far As I Remember'

Moving on from comebacks, let's talk about farewells. As I said, Aiden's comeback tour 'The Last Sunrise' is also their farewell. Funeral For A Friend are embarking on 'The Last Chance To Dance: The Final Tour.' Farewell tours have always been a thing, for the most part they don't work. A few years down the line the bands cave in (or need money) and record a new album and tour it, or they have a reunion tour, or they pathetically cant get over the fact that Guns 'n' Roses are no longer a thing and continuously find new band members and piss all over the legend that is the band. I googled it, I can't find an example of a final tour that was indeed the final tour. I can't think of any I know of, Google doesn't know any, and we all know that if Google doesn't know then it probably isn't a thing. Please if anyone does know one share this information. There has to be one out there somewhere....


Legendary 'glam metal' band KISS embarked on a farewell tour. Just four years after their 'Reunion Tour' in 1996, with all the original line up back together, KISS went on the 'Farewell Tour,' lasting from March 2000 to March 2001. A bit of a fail of a reunion, but their farewell tour was as much of a fail. Just one year after the big goodbye KISS announced they weren't retiring. Original members Ace Frehley and Peter Criss were gone, replaced with Tommy Thayer and Eric Singer. in 2003 KISS co-headlined a tour with Aerosmith. It lasted two years. In an interview on Chris Jericho's (WWE Superstar and lead vocalist for Fozzy) podcast Paul Stanley has tried to justify the band's decision, giving insight to the tension in the band, a need to part ways with Frehley and Criss, and "Put KISS out of it's misery." 

Judas Priest

Another failed last tour. From June 2011 to May 2012 Judas Priest embarked on their final tour, Epitaph World Tour. They changed their tune and later called it the last huge world tour they'd do. They were going to take a different approach to touring. Take time off between continents. To me this is still a world tour. But it's Judas Priest so let's just let them do what they want... 

Motley Crue

This one devastated me. No more Motley Crue. Yes, that is the sound of my heart breaking. But all is not lost, my amazing dad managed to get tickets for Manchester next week so at I am at least going to see them before the end. Although if anyone wants to give me a ticket/fly me to LA for the final ever show on NYE at The Whisky a Go Go I will not complain. On January 28th 2014 Motley Crue made history by being the first band to sign a legally binding 'Cessation of Touring Agreement,' meaning they can no long tour under the name of 'Motley Crue.' This is the end. No more. And I have the feeling this one is for real. Motley Crue's Final Tour has been on going from July 2014, with remaining dates sold out. Look out for my post next week on the Final Tour. RIP Motley Crue, but all bad things must come to an end. 

Black Sabbath

Another recently announced one, due to Tony Iommi's failing health Black Sabbath are heading out on one last tour. Iommi was diagnosed with cancer in 2012, and is now at the stage where he feels retiring is the best thing for him. Understandable, it's commendable he's kept going at all. So far only the US dates of the tour have been announced, with the exception of headlining Download festival, but I am eagerly awaiting the UK dates being released.  Check out the video announcement for the final tour here. 

This leaves us to debate (Neil Young, 'Hey Hey, My, My') "It's better to burn out than fade away." So is burning out good, or just fading away? Or go with a bang, on your own terms? I say fuck it, go with a bang. Go with a big bang! Get it out there one late time, let it all out then let it go. 'Cause let's face it, no one wants to become the new Axl Rose and not know when to give the fuck up. Which was when Slash left FYI. Or now. Just please stop. 

We're Making a Comeback...

Or at least trying to anyway. And what better way to make a comeback than to post about bands who've made comebacks...

Bullet For My Valentine

2015 has been a roller coaster year for Bullet. Original bassist Jay James left, being replaced with Jamie Mathias (vocals/guitar for Revoker). August saw the release of fifth studio album 'Venom,' followed by the on going European tour. Venom is not so much of a reinvention of the band, more of a evolved return to the beginning. It's safe to say that Bullet is back. 

While critics slammed previous album 'Temper Temper' I personally don't see the problem they have with it. Fair enough it is far from being their best work, but it's not completely shit. 'Venom' has taken them back to the highest level though, reaching number 3 in the UK charts making it their highest (Poison - 21, Scream, Aim, Fire - 5, Fever - 5 and Temper Temper - 11) chart position. The aforementioned tour was epic. Gone are the arean venues previously sold out by Bullet, in favour of smaller (and often neglected) venues. I was in attendence at the Aberdeen Music Hall gig, and it was amazing. And can we please take a moment to appreciate how hot Matt Tuck has got?

Venom is out now via RCA.
Bullet For My Valentine is currently touring Europe and will be hitting the US next year.
EP 'Live From Kingston' is available free now on GooglePlay.


Anyone that has read my blog before (and if you haven't I feel like you should) will know I love Aiden, and I love William Control. For those who haven't (most of the population), I love Aiden and William Control.... Now that we've cleared that one up, let's talk about Aiden. With the exception of front man Wil Francis (William Control) all the original members have left. Jake Wombold in 2008, Jake Davidson in 2011, Angel Ibarra in 2012 and finally Nick Wiggins at some point during Aiden's hiatus. In 2013 Aiden finally announced a final album. So really, not only is this a comeback for the band, it is the final farewell. Wil Francis auctioned off various band memorabilia to fund the project (yes I bought something..) and is making the album available for free to download. A limited run of pysical cd's was released, which is no longer available (again yes I pre-ordered this....). As of right now the new line up is touring the US, aptly titled 'The Last Sunrise Tour,' which fingers crossed will be hitting the UK sometime soon. I've already told my gig buddy that we are going, regardless of whether he wants to or not.....

Download 'Aiden' from October 30th 2015.
Also, follow Wil Francis on Twitter and Instagram, 'cause his post are great. And gives an amazing insight and behind the scenes of his music. And just 'cause he's amazing and hot as hell...

Escape The Fate

I am aware it has only been two years since ETF's last album, but I feel like with Ungrateful coming out on Friday, and a post about comebacks they deserve a wee mention. They have made the ultimate comeback, from Ronnie Radke being locked up, they came back as strong as ever with a new vocalist. Again, I'm aware I've posted about this before, read the whole story here, and I feel like the line up changes is going to be an on going saga for the band. But at least they've buried the hatchet with Radke and his band Falling In Reverse. You never know, they might just say fuck it and all join together for a huge super group one day. Stranger things have happened.... Anyone listened to Hollywood Vampires yet?!

Hate Me is released on the 30th October 2015 via Eleven Seven Records. (I'm eagerly awaiting my pre-ordered copy. Yes I am that person.)
Ahead of the release date the full album is available to stream from Kerrang!'s website right now (I'm resisting temptation and waiting for the CD, cause I am that person.)
Escape The Fate are touring Europe at the start of next year. (So Fucking Excited!)

Saturday 21 March 2015

I've Done You Favours That You Don't Even Know - New Music

I love discovering new bands to listen to and obsess over. Let's be fair who doesn't? These are my latest discoveries that have been stuck on repeat.

1. Seven Circle Sunrise

I found Seven Circle Sunrise through Spotify. Regardless of peoples opinion on Spotify and it's effect on the music industry it has become another platform for bands to get their music out there to be discovered by new fans, and it is one that has allowed me to find, listen to and fall in love with a plethora of new bands. With a somewhat unique combination of grungey feels and metaly riffs, Seven Circle Sunrise are a must listen to. The closest comparison I can think of for them would be to Seether, but really they are pretty individual. Their album, "Beauty In Being Alone" was written by Veno Xavier about his troubled upbringing, and the personal emotion can be heard in every lyric. It's hard to pick a favourite from the album, every song has got me hooked. Go find them on Spotify or YouTube or buy the album in iTunes.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/scsrock
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sevencirclesunrise
Website: http://venoville.wix.com/sevencirclesunrise

2. Memories of a Melody

Another Spotify find, Memories of a Melody (MOAM) are a hard rock/metal combinations that you need to sit up and listen too. They have the potential to make it all the way, and be the next biggest name in rock music. Seriously. They've already played shows headlined by the likes of Guns 'n' Roses (not that they even matter any more in my opinion but that doesn't really matter right now). The intro to song "Break Away" reminds me a lot of the intro to Bullet for my Valentines hit "Tears Don't Fall," before going off to be it's own song. One that has become a fast favourite song. It speaks out to everyone who's gone through a break up, lost friends over situations, "I won't be the one to break, won't be the one to save you, From all of your mistakes and so I break away." Go find them on Spotify or buy the album. You will not regret it.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/memoryofamelody
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/memoryofamelody
Website: http://memoryofamelody.com/

3. Falling With Style

Falling With Style isn't that recent of a discovery of mine, but every time I listen to them it feels like the first time all over again. The name caught my eye on Twitter and I decided to check them out. For anyone who has been living under a rock for the last 20 years "falling with style" is the famous line uttered by Woody to Buzz in the Disney film "Toy Story" But aside from the epic name, Falling With Style are a band not to be missed. "Hold Your Hope" is an addictive track that I could literally spend the whole day listening to on repeat. This something I have actually done. The five track EP, "This Hell You Call Home," is brilliant from to start to finish, and I am eagerly waiting the release of "Lost and Found" at the end of this month. If the two songs already released on their YouTube channel are anything to go by then it'll be a huge one. Falling With Style are touring the UK right, and although I am gutted I can't make the Dundee gig tomorrow I am sure it'll be one worth not missing.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/fwsofficial
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fallingwithstyleband/timeline

Friday 20 March 2015

Hanging Over From Another Good Time - Papa Roach @ Barrowlands, Glasgow

Words literally can not describe how amazing Papa Roach were on Saturday night. The set list was brilliant, the crowd was decent and the atmosphere was just something else. I may be biased seen as how I am pretty obsessed with the band but fuck me, it was just something else.

The whole night was just incredible, from the opening of "Face Everything and Rise", to the encore featuring "Last Resort", "Scars" and "...To Be Loved." And since I feel like if I keep attempting to use actual words it will just end up being a repeat of "Papa Roach are amazing," and "they are so beautiful," or "I am in love with Jacoby Shaddix," I will stop talking and just post some pictures, some I took at the gig (I am a shit photographer and these pictures show this) and some from Papa Roach's social media. 

Jacoby with a Scotland flag

How beautiful is he....

I feel like it is blatantly obvious which photo's I took and which ones are from social media. But how beautiful is the whole band? It is obvious from their live performances and from the content on their social media they are so grateful and appreciative of their fans. And the Scottish flag Jacoby was carrying about and the Celtic football top (which may have pissed off some people) shows just how much love they have.

So thanks for one of the best nights of my life, can't wait for the next time!

Wednesday 25 February 2015

All Apologies

"What else should I be, all apologies. What else could I say, everyone is gay. What else could I write, I don't have the right. What else should I be, all apologies."

It has been far too long again. Four months is a long time. It might actually only be three month, I'm not great with anything to do with numbers and counting. I wish I had a genuine excuse for not blogging, but really I don't. December was caught up in the dreaded hospitality rush, along with too many drunken nights to de stress. January and February have been just as brutal with how short staffed my work is right now. And then there was the virus on my laptop, but it's finally fixed, I should (hopefully, fingers crossed) have slightly more time away from work and I can get back into the swing of things. I wish I could have a regular update schedule, or any kind of regularity in my life, but unfortunately I can't. So bare with me, if anyone is even still reading my random ramblings and rants.

I have a couple of posts in mind to write, some of which might be a bit out of date now. The first will hopefully be up tonight if I don't have too late a finish from work, if not it will be up tomorrow.

So see you soon!