
Wednesday 26 February 2014

These Are My Obsessions...

Pretty much all of my posts lately have been about music, and while I am obsessed with it, that's not the only thing. So here's my top 5 obsessions (excluding music).

  1. Spiderman. One of the few cartoons from my childhood I'd quite happily sit and watch again, I fucking love Spiderman. The Toby Maguire films not so much, at the time I loved them, but after the recent remake there is no comparison. Plus, Andrew Garfield is so much hotter. Being in Florida for my 21st it felt appropriate to go meet Spiderman and get a photo with him, and of course just the photo wasn't enough, so I paid a stupid amount of money to get the big comic book cover version to put on my wall. Cause that's normal right? 

  2. Another one from the childhood, The Lion King. I know pretty much every word to the film(s). And I cry every single time Mufasa dies, and every time I hope that he'll open his eyes. Sad and pathetic maybe, but I don't care. I love it. And Hakuna Mutata has clearly influenced my life, since I tend to say no worries at least 10 times a day. A previous post from months ago, "What's My Age Again?" goes more into detail about The Lion King and why it kicks ass so much, and it's technically educational...
  3. Meerkats. I blame Compare the Market and their halarious talking meerkat adverts. If you don't know what I'm talking about then where have you been hiding for the last few years? There are so many of them, this one being one of my favourites. Simples. 
  4. Shopping is another one. I just can't help myself, if I can spend an entire week without shopping it's an achievement. Whether it's going to actual shops where I generally spend most of my money in Primark (I'm a student, it's cheep, and I change my mind on what clothes I actually like way too often to spend more money on them) or online, where I normally spend the rest of my money on CD's on Amazon. I can't fit all my clothes in my wardrobe, I have no where put all my CD's and the same goes with DVD's.  I think I may need some kind of shopping rehab. Or someone to make me save. Then I might be able to afford things like all the tattoos I want to get, gig's I want to go to, or maybe a holiday that isn't the cheapest option we could find!
  5. Tattoos. I love them. Currently I have three of them, and I'm planning on booking the next one soon. And then the three others I've already decided on after that... Obsessed. 

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Rock and Roll Will Never Die...

It's been a while, sorry life got in the way again. And a bit of writers block. But I'm back! Last month's issue of Classic Rock magazine had a long and interesting article on the death of rock music. It's been a long time coming and it's something that had been immanent from the start.

But it's not rock music that's dying, it's the music industry itself. No one gives a shit any more. We just pick and choose the songs we want, not genres that we love. Our generation has become lazy with music, we don't listen to a whole album any more to discover the unknown songs, hell people don't even buy the whole album any more! Our generation will go on iTunes (the ones that will actually pay money for songs) and buy the latest single's from the charts and that's the extent of their music knowledge, what is played on the radio and what they've been told is popular. 

Today we still remember bands such as Metallica, Motley Crue, Motorhead, Slayer, Guns 'n' Roses, among others, the legends of rock, but they are dying out too, Motley Crue have already announced their final tour, Guns 'n' Roses have faded through their line up changes, Motorhead have cancelled tours due to front man Lemmy's declining health. In a decades time we won't have these bands any more, and personally I can't see many of the bands we have today being remembered in 30-40 years time.

People will buy the band t-shirts sold in high street stores (I admit I've done this too) without knowing who they really are or what their music was, they just do it cause it's fashionable. But music isn't fashion, for me it's a way of life. 

Thursday 13 February 2014

Music Became My Religion

Dave Grohl has summed up my view of music here. And although we still have the religion, the saints and the hymns, our churches are disappearing. Part of this is from online shops, part of it from technology no longer requiring us to purchase a physical CD, but just download the music instead. I will admit I buy all my music off Amazon now, but I refuse to download it, legally or illegally, because I want to have the actual CD in in my hands, not just a version of it on my laptop. I'll be the crazy old woman with a house full of CD's!

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Rock 'N' Roll Music Is The True Religion - Top 10 Bands Part 2

The second half of my top ten bands.
  1. Motley Crue - I'm waiting (very impatiently) for the announcement of the UK dates of their farewell tour, something that I will not miss. As some of my friends will tell you I'm determined I will see Motley Crue before its impossible to do so, even if I have to travel further than Glasgow and go on my own, I'll be there. Celebrating their 30th anniversary last month Motley Crue are an example that good bands will last. I can't see it being 30 years down the line and people still being excited for half the music that is released today. There just not made like they used to be any more.
  2. The Subways - The Subways are another band that are (according again to Twitter) finishing up a new album, so another one I'm excited for this year. And we all know with a new album comes a tour to promote it, and this time I will see them. I caught the end of Rock & Roll Queen when they were supporting AC/DC in 2009 (it wasn't my fault we were late, I blame my Dad for that one!). 
  3. Seether - Seether are a relatively new discovery of mine, despite having been around since 1999 (although named Saron Gas until 2002) thanks to Spotify and their constant suggestion of new bands. The influence Nirvana and Kurt Cobain had on vocalist Shaun Morgan can be heard in their music, a couple of their songs I actually thought could have been Nirvana covers. And their cover of Careless Whisper actually makes the song sound good!
  4. Motorhead - A top ten list could never be complete without Motorhead, total legends in their own right. Between Lemmy's musical talents and debauched lifestyle he is a living legend. From controversial comments like people who play the bass are failed guitarists (which is ironic since he tried and failed at playing guitar) and his reported drinking habits, if you don't know who he is go hang your head in shame then Google it. Although he has gave up his daily litre of JD for the sake of his health. His distinctive gravely voice  and Ace of Spades had become a trademark for the band. Tomorrow would have been the 5th or 6th time I'd of seen them (I lost count) but the tour was cancelled to allow Lemmy to recuperate more from his recent health problems, so get well soon Lemmy, and instead I will play the songs as loud as my laptop will let me and pretend it's live.
  5. I couldn't pick a final band. I have too many favourites to decided between and it was just too hard. I would probably drive myself insane trying to finish it, and that isn't something I want to do. I can just picture myself pulling a Shining on Lisa (my flatmate) and attacking her door with an axe shouting "Here's Johnny!" Although I would probably use a cultural reference I actually knew, like "Give me your tears gypsy" or "YOLO." So heads up Lisa, when I start saying YOLO....

Monday 10 February 2014

And Just Maybe, I'm To Blame For All I've Heard - Top 10 Bands, Part 1

My last post has got me thinking, if I was to try and list my favourite bands I would be here all day, and constantly changing it depending on my mood, and my latest addiction of the week. I can get really obsessive when it comes to music, be it a band on repeat for weeks, sometimes an album that I just can't get enough of, or even sometimes just one song, over and over and over. Then I start to sing along, which my flatmate will tell you is not something you want to be hearing. But this is my attempt at picking out my top ten bands, in no particular order, because that would just be impossible!

  1. Nirvana - As I mentioned before, one of my biggest regrets in life is that I never had the opportunity to see Nirvana live, but they still continue to be one of my favourite bands. My favourite song would probably be Lithium, but ask me this next week and I'll have a different answer for you. From the (often weird and nonsensical) lyrics to the guitar riffs, there is something magical about them. RIP Kurt Cobain.
  2. Papa Roach - As you may have already guessed from previous posts, Papa Roach are a favourite of mine. As long as giving me the motivation to get on with uni work, they have a song for every mood, whether it's questioning life and society, a broken heart or feeling like giving up, I can put on Papa Roach and it all feels better. That's one of the key qualities music has to have in my book, the power to change your perspective.
  3. Aiden - Like with Papa Roach, the first time I saw Aiden live was another of the best nights of my life. Meeting them before hand in One Up Records then being right at the front of the stage at Moshulu (totally showing my age here!) was just indescribable. Especially when Wil Francis took a "selfie" (back before it was cool) with the crowd in the background with my camera. I almost died. I was just searching through my external hard drive for the photos from that night, and of course I didn't back them up after transferring them to my old laptop, which is fucked! So unless I can get them off of there they may be lost forever. Aiden were just as good the second time around, as was the trip to Glasgow to see them. Aiden are a teenage favourite that may become forgotten in years to come by the music fans of today, but they will always have a place in my heart.
  4. HIM - I started listening to HIM after Dark Light was released, and have never looked back since. There is just something about the sound of Ville Valo's voice that transcends into an experience of listening that no other has replicated, and it doesn't matter what he looks like (although I do think he's hot, I have a thing for tattoos!) you can't help but fall a little bit in love with him. HIM is a band that you constantly go back to and rediscover the enchantment of the music, as I discovered last year with the release of their latest album, "Tears on Tape", an amazing birthday gift from my dad who shares my love of music. 
  5. Sixx AM - The band originally formed to provide the harrowing and emotional soundtrack to Nikki Sixx's book "The Heroin Diaries," but have now (according to Sixx's twitter) recorded their third album, a release that I can't wait for. I first heard them when the Life Is Beautiful video played on Kerrang! and instantly fell for the band. Years later and The Heroin Diaries is still one of my most played DVD's, and I know the book nearly word for word having read it so many times. Their second album, "This Is Gunna Hurt" is just as good, as is the book that accompanies it. I have no doubts what so ever that the next album will be great, especially after Sixx tweeted "I think we're topping ourselves..."
The second half will be up soon, apparently I have too much to say about each band, this is just scratching the surface of my very opinionated views.

Thursday 6 February 2014

Come As You Are

I just found this blog post, http://www.pastemagazine.com/blogs/lists/2013/10/nirvanas-eight-most-rock-n-roll-moments.html that list's Nirvana's eight most rock and roll moments, and I was probably overly amused by it. Easily pleased obviously. 

Nirvana are unarguably one of my favourite bands, and one of my biggest regrets in life will always be never having the opportunity to see them live. But unfortunately I was days away from turning three when Kurt Cobain died, RIP. Instead I settle for youtube clips, live DVD's and just listening to the music. I am borderline obsessed. 

So obsessed that in Higher English when we were told to write our persuasive essay's on an issue we cared about, while the majority of my class wrote about abortion laws and such like, I chose to write about whether or not Kurt Cobain committed suicide or if it was murder. I wrote about it so passionatly that I had my English teacher convinced it was murder. [This is my own opinion, formed through research carried out for the essay, I am NOT trying to say this is a fact!]

Wednesday 5 February 2014

One Track Mind

I am so beyond excited right now. Jacoby Shaddix instagrammed a photo of himself back in the studio recording Papa Roach's 8th album! Ahhhhhh!

Papa Roach are one of my favourite bands, and have been for many years. Their lyrics are so inspirational, their music is just amazing, and I have no doubt that the next one will be just as good.

One of the best nights of last year was going to see them live at Glasgow Barrowlands, and it honestly can't describe how good it was. My best friend, Frances, who was with me said she actually hasn't seen me so happy before, as I stood staring at the stage with a huge grin on my face, repeating "He's just such a total babe" about Jacoby. Despite my bag being stolen afterwards it was still one of the highlights of last year, and of course being me I was more upset about the t-shirt I'd just bought being in the bag, and of course the first thing I did when I got my bank card replaced I bought a new t-shirt, then replaced my ID, cause you know that's the logical thing.

Saturday 1 February 2014

It Has To Change

I really wish I had something even slightly exciting to write about right now, but unfortunately I don't. With the exception of another crazy staff night out on Tuesday (which to be honest, my memories of are not entirely whole) all I have done this week is worked. It's been a long one and it still isn't over yet. And as much as I wish I could just chill out on my day off tomorrow I have a packed schedule. Coffee with the girls from work to say a sad goodbye to Sylwia before she leaves for Zante in the afternoon, a trip to Peterhead to catch up with friends, some that I haven't seen in months, then the last bus back to Aberdeen for work on Sunday morning. 

Monday bring's the first day of the last semester of my final year at uni. It's such a scary thought that I graduate this year, that means that now is the time I have to start making all those decisions that I keep telling myself I have loads of time for. But I don't. Anyone that wants to tell me what I'm doing with my life, please feel free?

I want to travel, I want to go see so many bands, I want to experience new things, and most of all I want to get away from Aberdeen. I love Scotland but Aberdeen is such a depressing place to be in, if you don't want to go into the oil or hospitality industry then you might as well forget it up here. And everything is so grey. I want excitement. The one plus right now, a quiz on Buzzfeed (the biggest distraction from uni work ever!) did say the career I should actually be in is writing... Suppose that could be seen as a good sign!