
Friday 10 October 2014

The Best Cover Songs

So moving on from Sixx Am's Modern Vintage, there has been a lot of talk about their cover of The Cars song "Drive." I will admit I had never heard of the song before, and have no idea what the original sounds like, but I love the cover version. Ironically right now I'm sitting listening to Alice Cooper, "Poison," that I only first heard back in 2004 when Groove Coverage did a cover/remix of it. Sad but true.

This has left me thinking, there are some brilliant cover songs out there, some bizarre cover songs, and some truly terrible ones. So here goes my top cover songs.

George Michael's "Careless Whisper" is not something you would ever find me just casually sitting chilling listening to. Ever. Pretty much I would never be voluntarily listening to it. Add in some heavier guitars, Shaun Morgan's vocals (which in my opinion sound's hotter than George Michaels...) and I'll be singing along. Find it on 2007's "Finding Beauty in Negative Spaces"
Metallica is not a band that should be covered lightly. Many people have tried, many have failed. Kerrang! managed to get it right with their "Master of Puppets Revisited" tribute album. And while the whole album was a fitting tribute to an amazing band, the only cover that has stuck with me over the years is Bullet's cover of "Welcome Home (Sanitarium)". There are a lot of similarities between the two, but they've still managed to make it their own, while keeping the haunting feeling Metallica inspired all those years ago.
  • Nirvana - Lake of Fire
I had no idea this was even a cover until recently. And no offence to Meat Puppets, but Nirvana have totally owned it. Listening to the original version of "Lake of Fire" it sounds like one of those totally horrendous youtube covers that people still insist on uploading. Check out the video of Nirvana and Meat Puppets playing it together at MTV Unplugged in 1993 here, or find it on Nirvana's "MTV Unplugged in New York" album.
  • Aiden - Drain You
From Nirvana covering a song to a song by Nirvana covered. Seattle goth-rock band Aiden covered Drain You (I could be wrong with this) for another of Kerrang! Magazine's tribute albums, and gave the song a heavier sound, more like their own style than Nirvana's grungey chilled out vibe. The song works both ways, and I totally love both versions, depending on the mood I'm in. I can't remember which Kerrang! tribute album (if it actually was any of them) it was on, but find it on youtube here.
I always thought that "Tainted Love" was a cover of Soft Cell, but after googling it just now, I've discovered it was actually released in the '60's... Please tell me I'm not the only one who didn't know this?! And the original... Well it's a lot more upbeat.. After years of Manson's cover it sounds strange. Good but strange. Manson's darker, heavier version is more to my style, like with Careless Whisper, I wouldn't listen to the original but the cover is great. Find it on "The Golden Age Of Grotesque"
First of all, having to spell whisky in the (very wrong) Americanised style kills me a little on the inside. "Whiskey In The Jar" was actually a traditional Irish folk song back in the day, before being recorded by The Dubliners, released by Thin Lizzy then Metallica performed it, and people just kinda forgot about any other version. Metallica's is definitely my favourite version. Find it, with other covers, on 1998's "Garage Inc."
  • Johnny Cash - Hurt
Eight years after Nine Inch Nails released an emotional "Hurt," Johnny Cash covered it. And had a lot more success with it. Cash's cover is haunting, full of pain, and quite frankly makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up every time I hear it. It's gone from a soulful gothic rock song to a (for lack of a better word) depressing country rock song, that will never be forgotten. (And we are deliberatly going to ignore Leona Lewis butchering the song on X Factor...)
HIM have got a fair few cover songs in their discography, and I am completely biased but there all great. I am a total fan though! "Dark Light" was the first album I bought after going through that whole awkward I love dance music stage... Anyone else remember DJ Rankin? No just me then.. Neil Diamonds version is just too... cheesy for me. HIM have taken it and put their "love metal" spin on to it like they do with every other song they've covered (and created) and it just works. End of. HIM are great. 
I am in no way a fan of Faith No More, they've got a couple of alright songs, and they were just plain fucking weird at Hyde Park. Still not sure why the hell they were dressed as ministers. Anyway moving on, War Pigs is probably my favourite Black Sabbath song. I'm not the type to take well to bands who slaughter my favourite songs in covers, so lucky for Faith No More their cover is actually pretty good. It's not Black Sabbath amazing, no one will ever be able to sound like Ozzy, but it is acceptable for an cover.

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