
Tuesday 13 May 2014

The Webs We Weave

Continuing from my post/rant on Saturday (find it here) I've just read on Rocksound that Max Green had left Escape the Fate. And not only has he done this, he's joined up with Falling In Reverse.

Escape the Fate formed in 2004, releasing début album 'Dying Is Your Latest Fashion' in 2006, which has one of my all time favourite Escape the Fate songs, 'Situations,' a beautiful and sleazy track, so obviously I would love it. By this time the line up of the band had already changed around, something that would go on to continue through their career. 

In 2006 lead vocalist Ronnie Radke was involved in an incident resulting in a death, and following his broken probation conditions ended up in jail. The other members of the band kicked him out, and in my opinion it wasn't a malicious thing, it was for the good of their career. Which to be fair is what most bands do/have done in this situation, Vince Neil being one of the few exceptions, but he was only locked up for 15 days...

Radke was then replaced with former Blessthefall vocalist Craig Mabbit, and you can tell there is a difference in vocals on their subsequent releases but it still sounds amazing. 

Green had left the band in early 2011 due to addiction problems, but later rejoined the band, left again, came back, and finally announced on the 9th of May that he's left the band. Just days later he's joined Falling in Reverse, the band Radke formed while in prison and launched upon his release. While I've only recently started to listen to Falling In Reverse they becoming a constant feature in my daily playlists. 

But is there a conspiracy here? It's hard to believe that Green joining FIR just days after leaving EtF is a coincidence. Surely this was a planned move, and it could be said Green was looking for the best way to piss off his former band mates? Because if EtF's vision isn't what Green wanted any more then surely the best solution is to start from scratch? Or maybe the original line up will one day be back together under FIR? Who knows.

Now some may argue that the bassist of a band is not the most important feature in it, but these people have clearly not listened to Motorhead. Lemmy once, controversially, said in an interview (if I remember right, which I probably don't, it was in Kerrang!) that bassists are just failed guitarists, however this was in relation to his failed attempt to learn guitar and moved on to the bass. But jesus chirst, he plays it in his own way, many of the riffs in their music coming from him, and not just guitarist Mikkey Dee. 

However the change in bassist within Escape the Fate has not caused any noticeable changes in the music, although I'm sure it's been turmoil for the other members. Escape the Fate is no stranger to line up changes and I'm sure that this latest change will not affect the quality music they put out there. 

Escape the Fate have just released the video for 'Picture Perfect', the fourth single from their fourth studio album, 'Ungrateful.' Another hit from EtF.

Falling In Reverse have released the video for their cover of 'Gangsta's Paradise' from the Punk Goes 90's 2 album. A strange but good cover, rap meets rock, with their style thrown into the mix.

I'm looking forward to see what comes next with both bands. Although this latest change in line ups may have thrown away the peace they bands appear to have formed with each other. This is going to get interesting. If anyone has any thoughts they want to share please do, I'd love to hear them. And find me on Twitter.

Sunday 11 May 2014

I Won't Be Ignored

This is something that I came across on Twitter the other day. And it's so true. Now I'm not saying I know everything about all the members of the bands I listen to, in fact some bands I don't even know any of their names. To be it's about the music that's being put out there, not who's in the band. Although a pretty face (or hot body, lots of tattoos, cool hair, whatever....) to look at does help.

The amount of people who can give every detail of the vocalist or front man/woman but doesn't know the names of the rest of the band, or what they look like, is in my opinion not a fan. I will admit, there are 'bands' I have posters of, that is really just the front man... But a half naked Ville Valo is really hot and I (did) need some motivation to get through my uni work or what ever else I'm doing. But at the same time, I know he's been to rehab, is friends with Bam Margera (who is also hot) and that's about it. I don't really know the names of the other band members, and I don't pretend otherwise. Although I have no idea how to even pronounce these so that could have something to do with it. 

This isn't just the fans though, the media buys into it too. Rarely will there be an interview with or feature on a band member who isn't the front man/woman without the rest of the band present, unless they've been involved in a scandal. It tends to be all or front. Although when looking at the 'legends' from the past, they are all as in the spot light as each other. That could just be because they all have so many stories to share though. Thing that you or I could never even imagine. Seriously, Nikki Sixx's autobiography (another slight obsession of mine, and he's still pretty hot for his age) is full of things that are so crazy they could be made up.

Another band I know absolutely nothing about, Through Colour. Another Twitter find, and another brilliant band. Broken is a new favourite song. The first like 10 seconds of All Singing All Dancing Baby! did however, make me think my Spotify had gone back to playing adverts. But after I got over my confusion (easily done) it's another great song, and another one starting to become a favourite (that list is endless, so I don't know if it's really favourites any more..) And you never know, I might even one day (probably soon) learn their names...

If anyone has anything to share please do. (I like to argue/talk shit...) And if anyone feels like reading the very pointless and random stuff I post on Twitter find it here.

Saturday 10 May 2014

For Those About To Rock (We Salute You)

AC/DC is a legendary band. There is no question about this. It is astounding that they have never had a UK number 1, considering some of the shit that has... Everyone remember the Ketchup Song? Yeah that made it to number 1! The highest AC/DC have made it in the UK charts is to number 4 at the end of last year after yet another Facebook campaign to beat X-Factor for Christmas Number 1. 

But AC/DC's status is not what's keeping them in the media at he moment, it's the replacement of founding member Malcolm Young, while he recovers from an illness. Some are for it, some against. Personally I say it's a good thing. No band want's to go out on the back burner, and that's not a fate fitting to AC/DC.

Yes it sucks, and it won't be the same band without him, but AC/DC deserve a proper send off before they go. And I know it sounds pessimistic looking at it in this way, but let's be fair, they are getting older, and like all the other legends we know and love they won't be here forever.

Some bands can replace members and get it right. Some turn to shit. I mean the joke that is 'Guns 'n' Roses' now adays... Axl Rose go please just fuck off and stop trying. It's over. But so many more bands have been able to pull it off. Escape the Fate has had a few line up changes, they still sound amazing, Lynyrd Skynyrd reformed after the devastating fateful plane crash, AC/DC have had to do it before, and I'm more than sure they can nail it again. And anyone who disagrees needs to get over themselves and the past.

Wednesday 7 May 2014

I Count The Days That We Have Spent Apart

Everytime I post I say that I'll be doing it more often, but uni just kept taking over my life. Well, it's all over now and I'm still trying to readjust to this. I feel pretty lost without any lectures to go to, or course work to take over all my free time. Please someone tell me what people actually do apart from work? Seriously, I think I'm going to go a bit more crazy than I already am.

The last eight months have been so stressful, between uni and all the many work related dramas, but now it's all settled down I can get my life back, and I can have time to actually post on here. I can do all the things I've been putting off. Because doing anything that wasn't uni related has left me feeling guilty while I've had course work to do.

I have a list of things I want to write about, and a list of new bands to check out, along with my old favourites, and the many new albums coming soon. So hopefully this will become more interesting, and more regular! But that's all for now, I have work to get to.