
Tuesday 2 February 2016

Just A Memory

On Friday I checked another one off the bucket list. I went down to Glasgow again to see Escape The Fate. And it was epic. They put on a fantastic show and totally left me wanting more. Like normal people (so I'm told) leave gigs feeling satisfied and happy. I leave a gig over the moon, completely in love with the band and desperate for more. As in got home from Glasgow and watched live videos on YouTube while I got ready to go out that night. 

I'm already excited for the next time. Whenever that may be. And as amazing as the gig and performance was, later in the night is what made my life complete. After wondering around in the rain and snow we found a Brewdog pub, had a couple more drinks then the horrendous cheesey music drove us back to Cathouse where our friends already were. And holy shit what a night it ended up being. Members of the band, along with the support bands were in the club chilling. It was surreal. By the end of the night they were sitting/dancing at the table next to us just living life. And I have to admit, Craig Mabbitt is just as beautiful in person, and seems like a really nice guy. 

Monday 25 January 2016

The Last Sunrise

Last Monday was an emotional night. It was The Last Sunrise. It was bittersweet, not only did I get to meet one of my favourite bands for the second time, and was still as star struck/unable to function like a normal human being just like back in 2007. I got see one of my favourite bands for the third time. But it was also the last time.http://lovehateculture.blogspot.co.uk/2015/11/i-will-wait-for-this-moment.html?m=1 

Main support band Ashestoangels were fantastic. I've only listened to them a couple times prior to the gig, having only heard of them from supporting Aiden. They put on a hell of a show, one of the most energetic bands I've seen. And are the perfect pre Aiden band. I am now officially a fan.

Aiden were, as usually, amazing. The unbelievable passion from frontman William Control is unstoppable force that will always be carried on in his solo projects, a comfort for fans. The setlist spanned across Aidens discography, playing sophomore album The Last Sunrise in full. It was a night that will never be forgotten, a memory that will always be treasured. And when the DVD from the last London show is released, it'll be relived.